
Friday, August 1, 2014


I looked at these tutorials on Cotton+Curls and a pair & a spare for ideas, and pretty much did the same thing as a pair & a spare. I traced my old P.E. shorts approximately onto some fabric. I made 2 unecessary cuts because I glossed over the tutorial (since I had used it before), but don't worry I didn't totally screw up.

I sewed the pieces together and made a hem at the top with a little opening to string the elastic through. The elastic should be long enough to fit snugly at your waist/hips/wherever your pants end. Then I sewed the elastic ends shut. Then I hemmed the bottoms. Then I put on the shorts. And I marveled at how hideous they looked. Then I wore them the next day. And they didn't look so hideous. So I was not utterly disappointed.

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