
Monday, July 21, 2014

Refashion Brofashion - men's pants into shorts

What to do when your pants are too short and tight? Turn them into shorts! 

Here is a not-very-thorough step by step guide.

First, cut off the pants an inch or two longer than you want them to be.

Then cut two strip of different fabric the length of your shorts and whatever width you want, depending on how tight the shorts are. You can compare your tight pants to a pair that fits well to see how much extra fabric you'll need. Remember to distribute the extra fabric between the two sides.

Then, cut alongside one outer edge. I had very little room to cut, so the seam allowances had to be pretty small.

Sew the fabric strip to the shorts. (right sides together; I used the shiny part as the "wrong" side because it was too shiny for real life). Also before you sew the fabric to the shirts, you can hem one side so that the top will be cleaner. We'll hem the bottom later.

Another picture for your enjoyment.

Hem the bottom (fold it up twice and sew).

You may want to double stitch (or serge or whatever) so that the shorts won't break when you do fun activities like yoga (see example of intact shorts during activity above).

The finished product!

Oh yeah, the title says "Brofashion" because it's my brother. GET IT?

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