
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Flower pattern shift dress

I made a shift dress! I usually make gathered dresses, so this was a deviation from the usual. I think it came out well. It looks kind of like a kurti. The sleeves are kind of like puffed sleeves but the shoulder seams are a bit too low on my shoulders. I actually drafted a pattern and muslin for the bodice, but I guess need to fix the armhole part. There's a super long zipper in the back. I was planning on maybe doing a peter pan collar if I found some cool leather fabric, but I didn't, so I didn't. And that's about all the interesting things I can think of for this dress. Shift dresses are cool.

This is my "I'm so hip" pose. But at least you can see the dress and sleeves. Oh and the sleeves are actually full length, but I fold them up (I didn't hem them).

Another note: this is another one of the fabrics my dad got from India. 

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