
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Another men's shirt refashion

I had a men's shirt that was slightly too big for me, so here's what I did with it.

1. First I cut off the sleeves and collar. 
2. I removed the seam on the back that attaches the top of the shirt to the majority of the back. I also cut along the side seams so that the back was separated from the rest of the shirt.
3. For the sleeves, I cut off the cuff and cut the sleeve along the underarm seam. 
4. I attached the sleeves to the back piece (to add more length to the cloth). The cuff side goes on the bottom.
5. I gathered the top part of the back piece + sleeves so that the width matched the back of the shirt that was still attached.
6. I sewed the back piece + sleeves back onto the back.
7. I sewed down the sides.
8. I cut off the bottom so everything was even.
9. I hemmed the neck and sleeves. When hemming the neck, remember that the back is now the front and the front is now the back. When I was hemming the sleeves, I had to adjust things a bit since the armhole was not even, so some parts I had to fold back more than other parts.
10. Hem the bottom 

And that's all! Here's how it looks now (I do have to fix it up a bit since I was in a rush when I was making this)

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